SAT vs. ACT?

Check out our Guide to PSAT scores!

Need to compare an ACT score? We can help you take one at home any time for free!

Click here for all the scoop that you need for the Digital SAT!

Which one should I take?

It’s junior year; the time has come.

Time to start considering the college admissions process. A big part of that process is taking the SAT or ACT to apply to college. So the questions loom: 

Understanding the answers to these questions is your first strategic decision in your college admissions process. Here are a few important points to consider:

  • All colleges accept both tests. This is great. Having the freedom to submit either test to your college of choice allows you to pick the test that works best for you.  
  • You should prep only for the test that suits you best. Most students do better on one test or the other. You can figure out which one is better for you by taking a practice and then comparing it to your PSAT or SAT results. Use our handy comparison tables (below) to compare your results.
  • Each test has a different feel. The ACT is on paper, takes longer, and is more straightforward, but much more quickly paced. The Digital SAT is on a computer, gives significantly more time per question but takes much less time overall, but it’s wordier and uses more complex vocabulary. The ACT tests all types of math; whereas the SAT focuses primarily on Algebra. The SAT gives all students access to Desmos – a built-in graphing calculator; it’s a game-changer! The ACT includes a Science Reasoning section which tests data analysis skills more thoroughly than those skills are tested on the SAT. Pick the test that aligns best with your personal style and gives you the highest score.

Use these tips when beginning to formulate your testing plan. Creating a testing strategy helps to maximize your results and remove stress from the process. Woodlands Test Prep can help!  Call us at 713.205.1807 today for a free 30-minute consultation on your test prep strategy. 

And click here for our in-depth discussion of PSAT scores and National Merit considerations.

SAT vs. ACT Tests