The vast majority of accommodations will be handled in the Digital Adaptive Bluebook environment.
Students with extended time will receive extended time in the Bluebook app’s timer. Students will not be able to end a section early to move to the next one.
If a student needs different accommodations for the digital test than for the paper test, the SSD coordinator can modify the requested accommodations in the College Board system.
For any accommodations that cannot be handled within the digital testing environment, a longer paper-based version is available. The current guidelines for what accommodations qualify for paper testing (or not) can be found here.
English-learners will continue to receive accommodations during School Day SAT Administrations (only) including translated test directions, use of bilingual word-to-word dictionaries, and time and a half (+50%) extended time. To qualify for these accommodations, students must be designated by their school as an English learner and receive the same accommodations at school.
New: Starting in Fall 2023, accommodations for PSAT 8/9 must be requested and approved by the College Board. The process for requesting accommodations for SAT, PSAT/NMSQT, and PSAT 10 will remain the same.
The deadline for requesting accommodations for fall dates is as follows:
- School Day SAT on October 11, 2023: Request by August 22, 2023
- School Day SAT on October 26, 2023: Request by September 6, 2023
- PSAT Testing Window October 2 – October 31, 2023: To Be Determined
NOTE: Fall School Day SAT dates will be in the current paper format.