Digital SAT Logistics
Students will continue to test at test centers (or at school for PSAT or School Day SATs); however they will use their own devices (or their school’s) to test. Students will download the Bluebook app prior to testing and bring their device charged and ready to go.
Students will be provided with 3 sheets of scratch paper and can use either a pen or pencil. Students may use an external mouse if desired. No other aids (besides a calculator) can be used.
Testing will still take place on national test dates and on School Day SAT dates.
Registration for Spring 2024 Digital Adaptive SAT dates will open in Fall 2023.
Scores will be returned in days, rather than weeks! Heck yeah!
Students will no longer have access to the specific questions that they got right and wrong. The Question and Answer Service (QAS) will be a thing of the past. The College Board has already made four practice SAT tests, one PSAT/NMSQT practice test, and one PSAT 8/9 practice test available in the Bluebook app.
Accommodations will mostly be handled in the digital environment. Students with extra time, for example, will automatically have extra time in their testing environment. Students who need to test on paper will have that option although the exact requirements for being granted that accommodation are not yet fully revealed.