Congratulations 2023 National Merit Semifinalists!
Woodlands Test Prep congratulates all students who have achieved Semifinalist status in the 2023
National Merit Scholarship Program. All of these students have worked hard to reach the top levels of
the scholarship program. The Company especially congratulates the FOUR students with whom it
has worked with as they prepared for this scholarship competition including Brooke McMullan, Jack
Pittenger, David Udoh, and Emily Valerio. Semifinalists will go on to compete for Finalist standing, and
from there, become National Merit Scholars. Woodlands Test Prep wishes these students all the best
as they continue on in the competition.
The National Merit Scholarship Program honors individual students who show exceptional academic
ability and potential for success in rigorous college studies.
Woodlands Test Prep will hold an informational meeting on Wednesday, October 5th at 6pm, both in-
person and by Zoom, for students and their families who would like to learn more about the “Road to Becoming a National Merit Scholar.” Join us at our office or on our Zoom link!